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4 خدع رائعة للحصول على بعض المرح مع محطة ماك

Installing an Aluminum Bed Floor Kit in a Chevy C10 - Truck Tech S7, E1

Installing an Aluminum Bed Floor Kit in a Chevy C10 - Truck Tech S7, E1

جدول المحتويات:


محطة ماك هي أداة رائعة. في الواقع ، لقد كتبنا عن ذلك أكثر من مرة من قبل. إنها أداة قادرة بشكل كبير ولديها ما يكفي من القوة لتغيير الجوانب الأساسية لجهازك Mac.

ومع ذلك ، ليس كل شيء يجب أن يكون العمل عندما يتعلق الأمر الطرفية. يمكنك أيضًا الاستمتاع بها كثيرًا إذا اتبعت هذه الحيل الرائعة.

1. اجعلها ثلج

قد يكون موسم العطلات قد انتهى ، لكن الشتاء لا يزال في كل مكان. فما هي أفضل طريقة للوصول إلى روح الموسم من جعل الثلج الخاص بك ماك؟

نصيحة رائعة: يمكنك جعل نافذة المحطة الطرفية مظلمة عن طريق اختيار إعدادات Pro من تفضيلات التطبيق.

للقيام بذلك ، ما عليك سوى إدخال الأمر التالي في نافذة Terminal وستحصل على جهاز Mac يتساقط في الثانية:

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.

ruby -e 'C=`stty size`.scan(/\d+/).to_i;S=.pack("U*");a={};puts "\033=0;a.eachx, o;#{x}H#{S} 033).push({}); 2. A Unique Take on Star Wars This next trick is not just tremendously fun, but simply astounding if you consider the amount of effort put into it. Have you ever watched Star Wars Episode IV? Well, perhaps you have, but believe me, not like this. All you have to do is enter this command on Terminal… telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl ..and you will be treated to the entire episode four of the saga (A New Hope) in ASCII code.

As you can see, this is really cool. Not only you get to experience the entire episode again, but you also get to see all your favorite characters rendered in this original artwork. 3. Your Own Personal Psychotherapist There's no denying that we all have problems of all sorts. Some of them more serious than others of course. And sometimes we all wish we could just talk to someone about them, right? Well, it might not be the ideal 'professional' to talk to, but if you want, your Mac can help you deal with your issues in some quite funny and uncharacteristic ways thanks to the psychotherapist available through Terminal. To call him/her up, just type the following command on the Terminal window: emacs Then press the Esc + X keys and introduce the following command when prompted: doctor The 'doctor' will pop up and prompt you to tell him/her your problem.

Just write them down, press Return two times and you will start getting some really curious/funny answers.

You might not find a solution to your problems, but you'll definitely have a lot of fun. 4. And Don't Forget the Games We recently showed you how to play some classic games on your Mac such as Tetris and Pong. If you want more of those to choose from, just take a look at that article and add these names to the list of games you can find in Terminal: 5×5, blackbox, dunnet, gomoku, hanoi, landmark, mpuz and solitaire. And there you have them. Now whenever you feel bored, you'll know how to have a bit of fun with your Mac without even leaving your desk.